Restoration Life is a community of believers building the Kingdom of God with our time, talent, and finances. As we contribute finances, whether tithes and offerings or special financial gifts, our local church is able to touch the surrounding neighborhoods and beyond, to ministries throughout the world. Together, our contributions have, and will, accomplish much!
“You do well and excel in every respect-in unstoppable faith, in powerful preaching, in revelation knowledge, in your passionate devotion, and in sharing the love we have shown to you. So make sure that you also excel in grace-filled generosity.” 2 Co 8:7 (TPT)
ways you can contribute:
Join us for a service and give.
Simply text the word Give with the amount (e.g. Give 100) to (269) 215 1455.
Not sure what is the best option for you? Email us to find out more!